Frames & surfaces |LEBOdoors

Door frames that suit your preference
Combine your frame and surface
There are 11 different door frame models at LEBO. LEBO has the right solution for each of your door requirements. The structural conditions in your home as well as your personal preferences are also crucial when it comes to choosing the right frame and surface. You can take a look right now if you like.
Do you have questions about your door frame and surface? Your closest LEBO dealer is looking forward to your visit. Your dealer will provide you with all the information and has many doors, frames and surfaces available for you to look at. You will find your dream door and dream frame with LEBO - easily, quickly and with certainty - guaranteed.
Frame EE (squared squared)
Frame EE & RR with V-groove
Frame RR (rounded rounded)
Frame RR80 (rounded rounded)
Frame RB04 (rounded cambered)
Frame RE (rounded squared)
Frame RP07 (rounded profiled)
Frame RP09 (rounded profiled)
Frame RRAD
Frame RRA
Frame RP17